Monday, January 17, 2011

story ; the pit and the pendulum , the writer Edgar Alan Poe

     A man who dreamt  that he was buried ,and taken into darkness with closed eyes without any motion .
When he stood and walked in the cold room ,his feet slip on somthing wet .For that ,he fell asleep two times ; when he woke up the first time ,he ate and drank from the food that was near him , and the second time ,he found himself near an edge of a pit , he ate and drank again but the food was benumbed that time.So, he got to sleep for long time.
      After waking up, he was tied with ropes and near him salty meat but no water . An old man above him was holding a pendulum moving from one side to another coming down closer to his body, until he was rescued by rats that ate the cords
       Lastly, he went to light of agap and he saw pictures of terrible faces with red eyes burning and making dark fume .For that ,he lost his breath hiding his face with his hands by the time the walls were coming narrawer and closer to him until there was no place to stand . He screamed loudly to hear feet stepes ,doors opening and fotunatly arms saved him.

about myself

Initially and far away from any objection.and even though disinclined to talk overmuch about myself  i have to introduce my personality ; my name is Amine Gouray , twenty one years old ,a student at B.T.T.C in Algiers .
I have spent one year and half learning english major and still.
to be honest ,the themes and disciplines I eager to know about are ancient writers ,particularly , those who were poor but they expressed themselves ,like ;Raussau who Naplion Bonabert apraised him ": unless raussau , the french revoulution would not succeed".
I also keen on scientific researchs;in medcine like cardiovascular research center in Glasgow that discoverd a new test to detect heart dissease by annalysing urine checking some samples of protien .