Saturday, February 19, 2011

Grimms fairy tales , by brothers Grimm * The grateful friends*

A man who decided to travel in the wide world  after he lost almost all his money .He came into different villages .
In the first village, he found people shouting ,and running around a mouse that they made dance to please them ;therefore, he gave them some money and asked to free the mouse .
In the second village, he found children who had an ass that they made stand on its hind legs and tumble ,they were shouting and laughing at it ; so, the man gave them some money and asked to leave the poor ass alone
In the third village, he found young people with a bear that they had been thought to dance ;so, he gave them some money again and releazed the bear
However, this time all his money had been givrn away while he decided to take some from the treasury of the king , but as he came out , the guards of the king arrested him , and he was supposed to be thrown in a box into water .
The box was thrown into water , and after a short minute, he heard something nibbling and bitting at the lock ;suddenly, it fell off and opened ,and there was the mouse ,the poor ass with the bear that helped him because he had been kind with them
lastly he found a white stone in the sea that contributed him all his wishes : palace and garden ,stud of horses and fine stable .

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