Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The story of the chest ,Winding Threads ;edited by Burner

Once, there was a son of a king who wanted to go to  markets of his father and he was allowed to go .
When  he got there, he asked all men that there was no buy and no sell until they replay for his riddles :*who is it who in the morning walks on four feet, at noon on two and on three in the evening* , and *what tree has twelve branch ,with thirty leaves to a branch . no one replied and all markets were closed ever after.
Among all men, there was a very poor one who had a very intelligent girl who asked her father why he always returned empty _handed from the market ,but he replied that the prince forbade them to sell or by until answering his riddles.
the daughter asked the father what riddles and when he told her ,she said that it was easy   and that* who is it who in the morning walks on four feet, at noon on two ,and on three in the evening*,  is man: in the morning of his life, he crawls on all four ,he goes on two feet ,and overtime when he is adult he leans on a cane , and for a tree that has twelve branch with thirty leaves to a branch is the year ; it has twelve months and each month has thirty days
After a week ,when the son asked them again, the father replied correctly and since then all markets opened _ open up the markets _ the prince commanded.

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